Measurement of Liquid Concentration by Optical Lens

Abstract Measurement of fluid concentration in different industries

In particular, food industries such as sugar, paste, juice, etc. are very necessary. Therefore, a system is needed that can process the information in the shortest possible time and measure the concentration and provide it to the control unit. Our method of choice to measure the concentration of sugar syrup is to use infrared radiation. In general, the experiment can be divided into two parts, the optical unit and the signal processing unit. In the light unit, the available elements have been used, which are the emitted light diodes in the infrared spectrum, the resulting light is passed through the base material, which is water, as well as the liquid under test (sugar syrup) and receives the output light and processes it. The appropriate amount of sugar concentration is obtained. Keywords: Concentration, Brix, Light Absorption, Intrusive Reflection, Synchronous Detector, Lockable Amplifier. -1 Introduction There are several methods for measuring the concentration of liquids, among which the following methods can be mentioned: [1] and [2]: 1. Displacement and removable buoyancy. -2 Hydro Metric. 3. Acoustic and ultrasonic. -4 Hydrostatic. 5. Radiation. 6. Mechanical vibrations. 7. Fixed volume weight measurement. -8 Noori. The unit of concentration in the sugar industry is the percentage of brix and according to the definition, it is the amount of weight of sugar in 100 grams of solution. The light method used in the industry is based on the refraction of light passing through the sample. In this method, the refractive index is changed with the concentration of the solution. First, obtain the critical angle and from there, according to the figure (1) They find the refractive index of the solution. Then, using the curve of Figure (2), the concentration rate is obtained. They brought it. As can be seen, the above curve is almost linear for concentrations of 10 to 70 percent. Elisa Fully Automated 3Plate Python/Elisa Fully Automatic 3Plate Python In this method, a charter made of sapphire or spinel is needed, because these charters are not made inside the country and its foreign exchange cost is very high, so another method was proposed. In this method, the intensity of light passing through the size solution It will be taken. Laws of Attraction and Reflection In this section, the laws governing light systems based on the passing rays are explained. 1.2 Beer-Lambert’s Law I to a thin object with a thickness of L and in This law is expressed as if a monochromatic light with an intensity I is [3] and [4]: out of the absorption constant K hits, the intensity of the passing light I I exp( KL) (1) out = in − In this relationship, the adsorption constant K is expressed as the product of the adsorption power a and the concentration of the adsorbent c. ( ) (2) out in I I Absorption Scale = A = Ln 2.2 Kabelka-Mank Law When a ray hits a material, two types of reflection occur: mirror reflection and intrusive reflection. Mirror reflection is what occurs on flat surfaces. However, on uneven surfaces, the intrusive reflection is more than the mirror reflection. According to Figure (3), the beam emitted from the light source is at an intensity I and under an angle i relative to the normal vector, it proves to the surface. where the intensity of the reflected light is R and the angle it makes with the normal vector is e. Manufacturer of Full-Automatic ELISA and Manufacturer of Sedimex Paper Related to Sedimex Machine In penetrating reflection, the rays that pass through the material before they leave the other side are reflected, refracted and absorbed at different degrees ∞ R F. S∞ R, the absorption coefficient of K, and the dispersion coefficient of a thick layer, have a relationship on the ∞R according to a function of the reflective power: Elisa Fully Automated 3Plate Python/Elisa Fully Automatic 3Plate Python System Design According to the mentioned laws, the method of selection is based on the Pierre-Lambert law. In this system, according to the cost and available facilities, we have used infrared diodes as a light system. In this method, light passes through two mediums: pure water and sugar solution. We know that they consider the basis of pure water concentration. Therefore, we have based the measurement on the comparison between the light passing through the two mediums (Fig. 4), we consider the light passing through the water container as the basis and the light passing through the sugar solution as the absorbing radiation. After the pre-reinforcer(. In order to reduce noise, the base bandwidth must be reduced, but this is not always possible with the use of filters due to their limitations in terms of construction. The unit is in the form of (6). ELISA Fully Automatic One of the factors that reduce the sensitivity of locking systems is the noise of the multiplier unit, which requires the amplification of the desired signal in order to change it. Phase sensitive detector is used. (Figure (7)) Instrumental amplifiers are used in precision measurement systems due to their high differential input impedance and very high CMRR. Here, since the output signal of the locking amplifier has a large common voltage compared to the differential signal, it is necessary to use an instrumental amplifier that is made using four operational amplifiers. [8] Finally, the output is transferred to D/A to obtain digital information. According to the above introduction, the value of Brix is defined for the temperature of “17.5°C”, so it is necessary to determine the temperature of the solution. For every 1°C temperature difference, the concentration of 0.1% in the Brix unit varies. We amplify the signal from the temperature sensor and connect it to one of the D/A channels, and finally, after processing and determining the temperature, we modify the concentration. -4 Results In this paper, a method for measuring fluid concentration was presented. In this method, based on Pierre-Lambert’s law, we use the measurement of infrared light emitted from the solution of sugar and water and after accurately differentiating them with the instrumental amplifier unit and converting the difference value to digital information, we obtain the concentration value by the microcontrol unit by the data table method and after correcting it due to the temperature difference, we display it on the LCD. ELISA Fully Automatic 5 References: Analytical Instrumentation . R.E.Sherman , Editer . L.J.Rhodes , Associate Editer.ISA 1996 Analytical Instrumentation , B.G.Liptak.ISA 1 Benson, I.B.,” Industrial Applications of Near Infrared Reflectance for the Measurement of Moisture,” Measurement & Control , Vol,22,PP.45-46,1989 Edger, R.F., Hindle, P.H., ” Infrared Absorption Gauging,”SPIE,Vol.665,PP.101-109,1986 : Freund , G.A. 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